Kids Transform the World at the 2011 AMC

In 2008 Regeneración Childcare NYC created "Akila and the Prison Monster" - an interactive theatre and workshop series - and joined with the Bay Area Childcare Collective and other activists to bring it to life as a kids program for Critical Resistance 10.
In 2011 we're taking it to a whole 'nother level at the Allied Media Conference this weekend in Detroit where kids will work together to... save the future. It's a big task but they will have support from the Intergalactic Conspiracy of Childcare Collectives (Regeneración Childcare NYC, Bay Area Childcare Collective, ChiChiCo from Chicago, Philly and DC Childcare Collectives, Kelli's Childcare Collective from Atlanta, and La Semilla from Austin) as well as video messages from kids, babies and adults from the year 2511. Seriously, it's that hot. Check out the full 2011 Allied Media Conference Kids Track program -> Kids Transform the World.
Phew! It's been one of those months, with so much to comment on, from the ongoing Arab Spring being joined by a European one, to the rising movement in Mexico for peace and against the drug war. But it's been one of those months for me too... take this week for example: getting flown out to Minneapolis on Monday to perform Secret Surivors for people working to end child sexual abuse throughout the country, coming back to NYC to co-facilitate our second to last session of the 2011 Challenging Male Supremacy Study-into-Action and the opening of FUREE in Pins & Needles from my paid gig with the Foundry Theatre... and leaving now for Detroit. It's not sustainable, I know, I really am working on that.
And I can't wait to share the Challenging Male Supremacy Study-into-Action curriculum (we're finally gonna pull it together!), much less the videos and program for this Kids Track. Props to Ileana, Bhavana and Lauren who have been holding it down for Regeneración all year with the 2011 AMC organizing!!!
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